The Path of your Heart

Are you ready?


Ready to live and work from peace of mind and energy in your body, and ready to manifest your life so that it is right for you?

Are you done holding back, adjusting, being scared and shrinking?

Then Heart Matters Coaching is for you! It is a personal program for (business) women and entrepreneurs who want to live less in their heads. Who not only want to listen to their heart, but also want to express it boldly and courageously in their lives. Purely because they know there is more to it, because it is possible. Just knowing that is your first step. That’s probably why you’re looking at this website right now, right?!

Gain insight into your life path, to explore what your unique talent, your core and value is. Once you have discovered and embraced that, it gives you freedom and wings. You know who you are and what you have to offer to yourself, your work and the world.

Heart Matters Coaching offers a coaching program consisting of three sessions of one and a half hours, where we connect online via Zoom. The sessions are every three weeks.

If you feel a YES, send me a message via the contact form below. If you want to discuss it with me first, you can. When you press the button, you can select a date and time for a quarter of an hour to see if this program suits you and if it’s the right time for you.


What will we do?

Session 1


  • Discover how your unconscious brain works
  • Together we untangle the common threads in your life story that bring you down every time
  • Discover limiting beliefs & patterns that stop you from manifesting your life
  • Free your mindset
  • Find out where your victimization might be
  • We do family constellations to get you out of your victimhood
  • Your head is now ready for a golden teamwork with your heart!
Session 2


  • What does it mean to live and work from your heart
  • What are the common threads in your life that give you pleasure & a sense of meaning?
  • We do exercises to listen to your heart more easily
  • Access resources that support you with important questions and choices
  • Learn your way to hear and express your intuition
  • Discover your unique talents and qualities
  • The golden teamwork of head and heart has been made
Session 3


  • Discover which beliefs are still holding you back and learn to convert them yourself
  • What questions or choices do you have and how do you use your intuition to get answers?
  • We do constellations to clarify your unique life path
  • Decipher your body’s messages or events in your life
  • Learn to deal with stress and intense feelings, so that you experience peace and relaxation
  • Design a Daily Practice
  • Manifest your life


Happiness is what comes to mind when I think back to the beautiful sessions we had. Every session was intense and beautiful for me. They were all different, even though sometimes the same things were discussed. After the last session I felt like I just got back from a nice holiday! Delicious!

Mirre Brouwer

For me, the coaching with Meri meant being born again, stripped of unhelpful patterns and beliefs, and to live by my own rules, full of trust and love. With your gift, with so much respect, honesty, softness and empathy, by asking the right questions, by allowing myself to ask the right questions, you have removed so many layers from me so that I could come to my real “being”. And I like this real “being”! I can do so much with that! And yes, my dark sides are there too, but I’ve learned to be gentle with them and embrace them. I have learned to listen to and trust, value and respect my intuition. Relationships have been clarified. Both the relationship with myself and those with people dear to me, both living and deceased. I now look at myself without judgment or guilt, and with honesty. I take responsibility for my own life and leave with the other what belongs to the other. I am not responsible for that. Dear Meri, I am very grateful to you! I hope many people find their way to you!


I reached out to Meri when I had a strong inner calling, that I wanted a Coaching and I knew I wanted Meri as my Coach. I appreciate her calm, honest, intuitive and fun character which suited my needs perfectly. What touched me most is the incredible safeness I felt with her, so I could open up easily, share all my thoughts and emotions. Not only can Meri hold this space but also gave me tools and new approaches so now I can hold it for myself better, too. I look back to my sessions almost daily and connect to the transformation that is still in progress. Thank you Meri, I’ll be back :-)!

Julie Doucet


  • You know who you are and dare to live this fully
  • You feel relaxed and safe in yourself
  • You attract opportunities and people who are right for you
  • Your heart & head work together, that gives peace and confidence
  • You are the director and manifestor of your own life
  • You know your own unique talents and use them for the benefit of yourself and your (life) work
  • If you get off your path in the future (which will undoubtedly happen 😉 ), then you’ll have tools in your hands that give peace, confidence and strength.

Your Investment

€ 547,00


I look forward to hearing from you!

Meri Fennema
+31 640884915

De Kempenaerstraat 86
NL- 2341 GP Oegstgeest
Dutch Chamber of Commerce: 08153988
Tax ID: NL002158039B32