The Bridge to Success

Do you know that feeling…. deep down you know you are about to create something beautiful? Whether it’s a creative project at home or an innovative idea in the workplace. It has been with you for quite some time and NOW it is time to go outside with it. You almost burst! At the same time, there is this sense of insecurity or perfectionism. Can I do this? What will others think? What if it’s not such a great idea? 


Huh, Meri, what do you mean? 

I mean fantastic, because then you know you’re on the right track! I’ve never heard of great ideas that are just fun, beautiful, sunny, or brilliant. If it is truly a creation from your heart, there are always jitters of fear. A former coach of mine called this a MIRACLE: something big that you want to achieve, that comes from deep within… AND is also scary at the same time. 

Today is the day I launch the new name of my company: Heart Matters Coaching. And yes, I totally feel the potential of this new direction I’m taking. I love it. I’m bursting with excitement. And oooh yes, I also feel the tingling in my stomach.  


The bridge to success is to take that fear with you. If you would only show the funny or bright side, people can feel that something is not right, that you are not authentic. It’s fake, they see a mask. And that doesn’t mean showing yourself crying or cringing in fear, it just means acknowledging within yourself that it’s there too and that it’s totally fine. Bridge the gap and do your thing with excitement and fear. Be all of you and shine. 

And gooooo….

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